Търсене на постове: #community

Иван Савков

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тоя сайт мноо ме кефи: http://digitalapprentice.net/Community/
Blogtronix is paying $500 for a new name for the Edno23 technology we will start offering soon Please forward to the rest of the Edno23 community guys
Vassil Mladjov
@bogo Blogtronix is paying $500 for a new name for the Edno23 technology we will start offering soon Please forward to the rest of the Edno23 community guys
Vassil Mladjov
@Silvina Blogtronix is paying $500 for a new name for the Edno23 technology we will start offering soon Please forward to the rest of the Edno23 community guys
Vassil Mladjov
@favit Blogtronix is paying $500 for a new name for the Edno23 technology we will start offering soon Please forward to the rest of the Edno23 community guys
Vassil Mladjov
@svejo Blogtronix is paying $500 for a new name for the Edno23 technology we will start offering soon Please forward to the rest of the Edno23 community guys
Vassil Mladjov
@edno23 Blogtronix is paying $500 for a new name for the Edno23 technology we will start offering soon Please forward to the rest of the Edno23 community guys
Vassil Mladjov
FYI Blogtronix is paying $500 for a new name for the Edno23 technology we will start offering soon Please forward to the rest of the Edno23 community guys
Vassil Mladjov
Blogtronix is paying $500 for a new name for the Edno23 technology we will start offering soon ;) Please forward to the rest of the Edno23 community guys
Любомир Петров
are Google Sites suitable for replacing a community site's wiki ?
Любомир Петров
я някой да каже някакъв сайт - community за дизайнери :?
Любомир Петров
@ZzZaPyr някаква насока за удобни форуми и прочие...community site = форум + уики + т.н. на някои продукт/услуга които ти допада ? :)
Любомир Петров
@ZzZaPyr чудя се какво да сложим в community сайта на Bizz.bg (форуми, уики-та и прочие) и се чудя.. какви системи да ползваме и визия..затова ми трбява...
@lpetrov community в какъв смисъл? :) Соушъл? :П
Любомир Петров
@ZzZaPyr я кажи някой community сайт които те кефи :)
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