Търсене на постове: TRUTH

Marina A., Poppy
293566_10150348777402057_25499962056_8568764_45440869_n.jpg LoveCappuchino
the ugly truth :D
its not Eddie
Въпрос на деня : Истината или щастието? :)
BBC Speechless As Trader Tells Truth: "The Collapse Is Coming...And Goldman Rules The World"
I miss those nights.. when all my shitty friends were right here with me and I was smiling truthfully.. Now I smile at my monitor.. with an emoticon..
Георги Неделчев
Единствената полезна функция на някои жени е да ти припомнят колко добра е твоята собствена.
1315132050657.jpg mitternacht
Горката Германия... то трагикомично, но най-вече- вярно...
Теодор Георгиев
"Ultimately photography is about who you are. It's the seeking of truth in relation to yourself. And seeking truth becomes a habit." - Leonard Freed
Георги Динков
world_full_of_nothing_by_iron_is_mad-d3kmeyb.jpg gogata2427
World full of nothing ! ..
Георги Динков
248755_159183360814774_144866088913168_384516_2714261_n.jpg gogata2427
Блогът на gogata2427: Art is a lie but a lie that tells the truth
The deepest truths sometimes lie under the most hilarious of jokes
Никола ☀ ∞  ♺
tumblr_ljo576wJQl1qa0uujo1_500.jpg aviatrix
Георги Цветанов
girls.jpg t0m3kk
колко е правилно само...
Никола ☀ ∞  ♺
Постването на глупави съобщения по стените "против рак " не помага , вместо това ходете на преглед на всеки 6 месеца
Mother always told Mme be careful of who you love and be careful of what you do 'cause the lie becomes the truth. (MJ)
The truth is the meaning of your life is that you wouldn't have one if you were poor!!!
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