Търсене на постове: void

Аспарух К.
Women invented prostitution to get money for sex. Men invented marriage to avoid paying for sex. Poets invented love to make everything not that ugly.
Никола ☀ ∞  ♺
a willingness to live with a little less to avoid the bigger mess and a willingness to see elegance in the real rather than the vision.
Аспарух К.
I thought she would fill the void you created. Turns out she thought I just wanted to fill hers. (c)
Ивелин Георгиев
От хороскопа ми за днес... ''Avoid to trying fix anything now'' след 3 часа фиксове и нищо...
Стефан Ковачев
Брех, май ме хваща коледното настроение.. В комбина с Beyond the Void - Nihilism (music)
Никола ☀ ∞  ♺
“Intelligence is the ability to avoid doing work, yet getting the work done.”
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